What is a sprain or injury to the UCL in the thumb?
The UCL, or ulnar collateral ligament, is located in the middle thumb joint, and provides support to the thumb during grip and pinch. It is the most common ligament injury in the thumb. The UCL injury is known as skier’s or gamekeeper’s thumb.
If you think you’ve sustained a UCL injury, the hand therapists at Cascade Hand & Orthopedic Rehab in Fort Myers, FL can help you. Give us a call today to learn more about how therapy can benefit you, and to schedule an appointment.
Causes of UCL injuries
Most often, injuries occur during sport or recreational activities, such as skiing, football, biking and soccer. Any extreme force to the thumb in the opposite direction can cause a sprain or strain, but injuries can also occur as a result of a fall, or jamming the thumb.
Common symptoms of a UCL injuries in the thumb
Pain and swelling in the middle joint of the thumb can occur right after injury, with possible bruising and stiffness in the joint. With this injury, activities such as holding a drinking glass or writing may be difficult. Weakness may be a symptom as well, with a decreased ability to grip or pinch any object with the thumb and hand.
How is this injury treated?
To rule out a broken bone, your doctor will most likely order an X-ray of the thumb. They will also compare the stability of one thumb to the other by applying gentle pressure from each side. If the UCL of the thumb is sprained, the doctor may prescribe a custom orthosis to rest the joint and ligament for a period of time. If a ligament is torn or ruptured, the doctor may advise surgery to repair it.
What can a hand therapist do for me?
A therapist can create a custom orthosis to keep the thumb ligament in place while it heals. While the ligament heals, the therapist will perform gentle exercises on the other hand joints. After the ligament has healed, the therapist will progress exercises to improve hand and thumb function and strength.
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