What is a distal radius fracture?
The radius is one of the forearm bones that connects the elbow to the wrist. The radius is the most frequently broken bone in the arm. A distal radius fracture is a break in this bone just before the wrist joint.
A distal radius fracture is considered simple if the bone breaks in only one place. A complex distal radius fracture occurs if the bone shatters into many pieces, if any other bones break along with the radius, or if parts of the bone move out of their normal position.
If you’ve sustained a distal radius fracture, contact Cascade Hand & Orthopedic Rehab in Fort Myers, FL to learn more about how occupational hand therapy can help you recover.
Common symptoms of a distal radius fracture?
Typically, a fractured distal radius may cause pain, swelling, bruising and tenderness, and, in some cases, the wrist may look abnormal. Other symptoms can include numbness and tingling in the fingers, or the inability to bend or straighten the fingers or thumb.
Common causes of distal radius fractures
A fall on an outstretched hand, as well as contact sports and physical activities, are common causes of distal radius fractures. Our rigid skeleton is made up of bones, which can break if a lot of force is applied to them. A distal radius fracture may be more likely due to a number of risk factors, such as low bone density or osteoporosis.
What is the treatment for a distal radius fracture?
If a doctor suspects that the radius is fractured, an X-ray of the forearm and wrist will be taken. Once a doctor determines there is a fracture of the distal radius, a decision will be made regarding how to treat the break. Which option a doctor picks will depend on whether the break is simple or complex. Some fractures will require simple immobilization in a cast. Others may require surgery to realign the bone.
How can a hand therapist help me with my injury?
A hand therapist works directly with a doctor to discuss how the bone is healing and when to begin moving the wrist. A therapist will educate and instruct the patient on how to reduce swelling and pain, as well as give helpful tips on how to return to daily activities while the fracture heals.
The therapist may also build an orthosis to brace the wrist for added protection. Exercises to assist move and strengthen the fingers, wrist, and forearm will be started once a doctor and therapist determine it is safe. The therapist’s goal will be to return the hand and arm to normal function and use.
Call our clinic for more information
If you are struggling with a distal radius fracture, contact Cascade Hand & Orthopedic Rehab for a visit and let’s get you on the road to recovery. We’re here to help you feel your best.
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