Improve Upper Body Function with Playful Occupational Therapy Activities

Improve Upper Body Function with Playful Occupational Therapy Activities

Occupational Therapy

Are you struggling with pain and dysfunction in your upper extremities? Maybe it’s a challenge to grab something off a top shelf. Or perhaps you find it difficult to chop up veggies for dinner. No matter your difficulties, several occupational therapy activities can help you find functionality again!

Hand and occupational therapy at Cascade Hand & Orthopedic Rehab offers several ways to improve the function of your upper extremities in a playful and engaging manner. From fingertips to shoulders, we’ll find the right treatment to suit your needs.

We also want your therapy experience to be enjoyable, as that makes it easier to stay motivated and committed to your treatment. By incorporating fun and engaging exercises, occupational therapy can help you reach your goals in a supportive and encouraging environment.

Call our clinic today to learn more about how occupational therapy activities can benefit you.

Why Might Someone Need Occupational Therapy, Anyway?

Occupational therapy activities can be incredibly effective for managing and improving conditions affecting the hands, wrists, elbows, and shoulders. These areas are crucial for everyday tasks, and when they’re not functioning correctly, it can significantly impact your quality of life.

Here are just a few of the conditions we regularly treat at Cascade Hand & Orthopedic Rehab -although it’s by no means all of them.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (And Other Nerve Injuries)

  • This condition occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm to the palm, becomes injured or compressed at the wrist. Symptoms include pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and fingers. You can also develop cubital tunnel syndrome, which affects the ulnar nerve in the elbow.

Overuse Injuries

  • Several overuse injuries can affect the upper extremities, such as lateral epicondylitis (more commonly known as tennis elbow) or rotator cuff tears. Repetitive movements or awkward positioning strain the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the complicated joints of the upper extremity, leading to pain and restricted range of motion.


  • Arthritis refers to various conditions that cause joint pain and inflammation, including the joints of your upper extremities. While the condition has no cure, you can manage your symptoms, which include pain, stiffness, and swelling.

Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

  • Your upper extremities are complicated structures, so any surgery in the area will require extensive rehabilitation to help you restore mobility, strength, and functionality. Common upper body surgeries include shoulder replacement, rotator cuff repairs, or carpal tunnel release.

How Occupational Therapy Activities Improve Function in Your Upper Body

No matter the reason for your upper body difficulties, occupational therapy can help. We carefully design our treatments to enhance strength, flexibility, and coordination in the hands, wrists, elbows, and shoulders. No two plans are alike, and we’ll pull from a wide range of interventions to find the ones that work for you.

Therapeutic exercises form the foundation of our treatment program. While some of these activities look like exercises you’re used to–such as using dumbbells or resistance bands to strengthen the arms and shoulders–others might be more surprising.

For example, we might improve your hand grip through therapy putty or stress balls. If you need to improve your fine motor skills, we might have you fold up an origami animal or work a puzzle–these fun activities double as exercises to improve finger dexterity.

However, we also want to help you perform the activities you do in your daily life. For this reason, we’ll often practice these activities in our clinic. For example, we might have you do up a row of buttons or practice holding a hair brush.

In some cases, you might benefit from the use of adaptive equipment, such as ergonomic keyboards or specialized grips for utensils. We’ll show you how to use these tools so you can maintain your independence.

Ready to Get Started with Occupational Therapy? Schedule Your Appointment Today!

The team at  Cascade Hand & Orthopedic Rehab has the expertise and training to ensure you receive the best possible care. Call our clinic today to learn more about how our occupational therapy activities can benefit you.